MERCURY RETROGRADE: Use it to Your Advantage!

MESSENGER image - First look at side of Mercur...
MESSENGER image – First look at side of Mercury not seen by Mariner 10 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Once again Mercury, the planet ruling of all forms of communication, intellect, commerce and technology, begins its retrograde phase. Perhaps you’ve already been feeling the effects of this upcoming phase. You may be forgetful, have technology challenges or notice a lot of mis-communication. Mercury goes retrograde three times a year and in my opinion has gotten a bit of a bad rap.

Yes, there are communication issues, you shouldn’t sign a contract without checking and double checking the details (it is not advisable to sign anything during this time but if it’s unavoidable do your best to be mindful of the fine print) lest it have to be re-negotiated, and technology challenges arise at every turn but you are actually receiving a gift. Mercury retrograde gives you the opportunity to review all the details that have led you to the present moment. Take this time and use it to your advantage!

Going backwards to move forward…

How can you possibly use it to your advantage when things that were once flowing seemingly coming to an abrupt halt? Well, that’s exactly HOW you use it to your advantage!  When Mercury goes retrograde you have a chance to re-visit energies and heal those things you may not know consciously are still unresolved. You might start thinking about past events, hear from an old beau or notice you are in a challenging situation very similar (or exactly the same) as something that happened in the past. When this happens, not “if” but “when”, you can heal it because you now know it wasn’t cleared up or there is stuck energy still needing to be released or resolved. With awareness this is a time clear blockages and receive a tremendous healing.

The slow down or halt of those things that were flowing nicely is also a gift. Use this time for rest and rejuvenation. Reflect on what’s been going on, how you’ve handled yourself, the choices you’ve made and go within to reconnect with your passion and spirit. Our daily lives move so rapidly that sometimes we put things on the back burner, so to speak. Review what has happened, clear the energy, forgive yourself and others then move on to plan for the creative endeavor you put away until further notice. Mercury retrograde is the “further notice”! This slow down gives you ample opportunity to fine tune, re-connect with spirit, heal and re-visit anything and everything you’ve shoved into the closet in the back of your mind. You don’t necessarily want to start anything new until after March 17  (allow one week after for the energies to settle) but you can certainly put your plan of attack on paper!

You can even use the technology breakdowns to your advantage. if your computer crashes you might just have to pick up the phone and actually speak to a human being instead of the email you were going to send. If technology goes haywire and you can’t send an important document or report, review what you were working on. You may find an error you previously missed or a paragraph that could use clarity and this gives you the chance for a complete or partial ‘do over’ if necessary. Of course we love our Facebook, Twitter and the like but if for some reason you are dis-connected from your social media, you now have the time to get connected with yourself again! You have time to meet up with a friend in person or better yet before you go out take time to meditate!

Use this Mercury Retrograde time wisely and to your advantage. Take a step back, allow for a much-needed break, heal, reflect upon what you’ve accomplished and put your goals for the future in order. Take a deep breath, clear lingering blockages and let go. Review, renew, reflect, reconnect, notice where your attention has been and get your space back. ~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2012-2013 All rights reserved
Daily Muse Home Page

Prosperity is Abundance in Action!

Destiny“A  man [woman] is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous  being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious  adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man [woman] with his  surroundings.”~James  Allen

You may have a tremendous amount of abundance but are you living in the flow of it? There is much talk about abundance but rarely a discussion on prosperity. What’s the difference you may ask? The difference lies in the movement and flow of the energy. In other words, abundance is how abundant you are. Prosperity is that abundance in action!

Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and / or successful social status. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes others factors which are independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health.”~ Wikipedia

Sometimes just one small “adjustment” can make the difference between living 100% of your true prosperity and merely dreaming and noticing your abundance. That adjustment is getting into harmony with your inner and outer worlds so you can move forward and make decisions to create and be in a flow of prosperity. Flourishing and thriving is movement not a stagnant state of being. If you are abundant but not flourishing and thriving, it may be time to have a look to see if there’s anything possibly blocking your way.

I recently recorded a meditation  to guide you through looking at your prosperity flow and teaching you how to clear it using psychic techniques and your awareness. It was interesting because when I started the process of writing and recording it I got hit with so much energy that I came down with a fever of 102 for two days. Now I haven’t had a fever (or a cold for that matter) in over 18 years. This lead me down a path of looking for myself why this was such a “hot button” for me. Literally!

I started noticing those places within me (and you can do this for yourself as well) where I felt abundant but was indeed stuck and stagnant. I was grateful, thankful and acknowledged my abundance and yet it was not flowing. I was not flourishing and thriving nor did I have space to be in the flow. How could it be? That’s when I started looking at the flow of energy and was frankly astonished to find that I was quietly in full gratitude for my abundance but wasn’t flowing in prosperity because of energy in my space I was holding on to.

I also noticed that I was not able to “have” what I already have even though I am grateful for it. Step one; Clear out the energies, concepts and anything that says I don’t deserve prosperity! Step two; Raise my havingness for all that I have and MORE! Step Three; Get into the flow and let go of trying to control the outcome!

Flourishing and thriving is growing and expanding your space. You can’t prosper if for whatever reason you are not growing, don’t feel like you deserve it or can’t have it. Are you flourishing and thriving? If not get into harmony with your inner and outer worlds. Prosperity is being in the flow of health, wealth, and happiness. Get into your flow! ~Shine Your Light Debbie

Interested in a guided meditation to help YOU Open Doors to Prosperity? CLICK HERE!  You can also add a little flower power to your world with a meditation and flower essence bundle CLICK HERE for an amazing offer!

©Debra Taitel 2012 All Rights Reserved
Daily Muse Home Page

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