Clearing Karma

Capitol Hill Siege: Clearing Past Life Trauma and Karma

Clearing Karma

“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”

Abraham Lincoln

I was deeply affected and upset by what happened on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, even though I saw the trans-medium tsunami wave take hold well before the violence of the day happened. That said, I also knew that an epiphany was coming on the day of epiphany.

I know we live in a world filled with diverse energies, beliefs, and passionate emotions. In my soul practice I choose to provide hope and healing in my messages, and yet I cannot, WE cannot turn a blind eye to what’s going on in the world.

What we witnessed is the history that changed public consciousness.

As a clairvoyant, I’m used to connecting with spirit and past lives probably more than many but I was not prepared for my reaction as I watched the siege on Capitol Hill. I also was not prepared to see that a lot of other people, experienced a similar triggering.

I was not prepared for the emotions, the fear, or the disgust for those who could not see the programming as they and did the bidding of other entities both in and out of the body. I was most surprised, however, by the images that started to come to mind almost immediately.

I quite literally had present time flashbacks of several past lives.

It was like watching something out of a sci-fi movie. All the images showed up at once. It gave a whole new meaning to “my life flashed in front of my eyes” except that it was lives plural, as in more than one. Simultaneously.

I saw my life as a child during WW II as the German army laid siege to my little town. I remembered feeling afraid and helpless as we were rounded up. The children, me included, were separated from our parents and put in transport jeeps. We were terrified.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, I had a flashback of my life in Russia as I watched a large group of people paraded through the village in chains. The people had their heads bowed and complied yet they were pushed and shoved. You could feel their terror and see it in their eyes but I was helpless to do anything to help them.

I flashed back to the European witch trials, the Spanish Inquisition, the Civil War when I was a slave, and a host of other lives and timeframes. Sometimes things happened to me. Other times I was simply a witness to events. It’s possible that in some of these lives I didn’t have a human body and was there for the soul’s purpose of learning. Some images were pleasant but most, not so much.

I wanted to turn my head away from the screen and yet, I knew I needed to watch. To bear witness to history once again.

For the most part, I cried, or more to the point, I grieved my way through the day. I probably experienced every emotion imaginable including anger, rage, and yes, fear. I gave myself space for all of it and then I sat down to actually look at what was happening.

As I went deeper into clairvoyantly looking at the various past lives, MY epiphany came. I watched wave after wave of pain being released on a huge scale.

I was not only processing and releasing various energies from this lifetime, but I was also processing and releasing trauma and karma from my past lives.

And it wasn’t just me. I saw that large groups of people from all over the world were also releasing the same trauma and karma. It was the ultimate release and it was happening right before both my spiritual and physical eyes.

Usually, I have some hopeful advice to raise you up but this post was to share my experience. I will say that historically after these types of karma clearing events comes a period of healing and forgiveness. I expect this to happen as we move forward.

As far as what happened and why…

Yes, the event was the catalyst to complete karmic cycles. Yes, the event was designed to trigger a release. Yes, forgiveness and healing will follow, and yes, with hope for a better tomorrow, we witnessed the collective consciousness open up with abrupt awareness.~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2021 All Rights Reserved

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What’s in YOUR Aura?

Photo by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash

What color is your aura today?

These days communication looks different but it’s no less important, AND communication is happening all the time. In fact, did you know that in spirit there is no time or space? And did you also know that your aura, or energy field that surrounds you is created BY you and for you?

As we navigate our new normal with its unexpected challenges, twists, and turns, it’s time to see and be seen from different level of perspective…as spirit. It’s important to know and maintain our space. Our energy shows the world who we are in blazing color.

We’ve actually been doing this all along…we study body language, try to figure out what someone is really saying. We get a feeling or image in our minds. These are psychic communications that we are ALL becoming more aware of right now.

I’ve been working remotely well before it recently became popular, and necessary to do so. I don’t need to see your physical body to give you an effective reading or healing.

Sessions are offered by Zoom video or by phone. They can be recorded so you can listen later…or not. Your choice! Book now to find out what color and what’s in YOUR aura!~Shine Your Light Debbie