SIMON SAYS! It’s a control game….

simonsaysRemember the game “Simon Says” from when you were a child? Would you like to play? Come on, humor me, it’s just a fun little game.

The rules of the game are simple. You can only do what “Simon” tells you to do.

Simon says raise your left hand. Simon says put your hands on your hips. Simon says touch your toes.

Simon says touch your nose.  Simon says clap your hands. Simon says blink your eyes. Touch your head. Simon says wiggle your toes. Simon says “say HOORAH!”

Wasn’t that fun?! Did you do everything Simon said? Maybe you found it silly or maybe you simply smiled as you reconnected with a bit of your inner child. (If you didn’t play that’s ok, read on anyway.)

Now let me ask you something, did you touch your head? Did Simon say to do it? If you didn’t touch your head you get to stay in the game. If you did touch your head, you’re out. Bye. Don’t feel bad though. You were just humoring me right? It’s just a silly game….or is it?

From the time we are born we are “taught” to follow the rules, do what we’re told, mind our manners, don’t speak until we are spoken to.  We asked permission to do something or we waited for someone to tell us what to do.  Of course, this is good for children but what happens when the control programming carries over into our adult life?

The game “Simon Says” illustrates how easily we can be programmed to follow the rules and allow others to control us. Simon, the control, tells us to do something and we do it. If Simon doesn’t say it…well, we lost. We failed. We’re out of the game and effectively out of the group.

No one WANTS to lose when their FRIENDS are still playing and so, early on, we figure out that the next time we play the game, all we have to do is make sure that we listen intently to “Simon” the control. We don’t do anything unless Simon Says we should.

Do you, or did you, have a “Simon” in your life? Are you waiting for Simon to say you can DO something? Do you find yourself following the leader so you are part of a group?  Do you spend time responding to rules that may not even apply in present time?

Did you, or are you currently, following someone else’s “rules” or, more importantly, are you still following imaginary rules and playing the game therefore allowing yourself to be controlled by them? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions or you recognize there has been a control at work in your life, maybe it’s time to clear the energy.

If you’re not clear on what I’m taking about think back to a time when an authority figure said to you “Stop it! You’re out of control.” (If no one has ever said that to you, or you haven’t felt that way at some point consider yourself lucky.)

Once you remember that moment ask yourself whose control were you out of? (That’s a hint that maybe the person who said you were out of control meant you were out of their control.) When you become aware of and release the control or “Simon says” pictures that are indeed a part of all of us, you begin to heal a part of you that stops you from being who you truly are.

As you release more “Simons” and stop playing the game you find your freedom and become senior in your space. You are present and in charge as the authority and creator. You come alive with possibilities!

We’ve all allowed ourselves to be controlled or programmed at one time or another but when we start living a more awakened life, those controls hinder and instead of help. If you’re having a challenge with this…I’ll help you out. SIMON SAYS find your freedom!~Shine Your Light Debbie 
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Debra Taitel is a gifted Clairvoyant Visionary, Energy Healer, Author, and Intuitive Business Consultant providing insight and guidance to clients around the world. In addition to her clairvoyant readings, business consulting and healing work Debra also offers one to one personal empowerment sessions and leads meditation workshops to help people heal and awaken to their own truth and spiritual gifts.

Each of Us is a Work of Art in Progress

Each of us is a work of art in progress. We are here to do extraordinary things. With every experience the waters ebb and flow until they carve out a beautiful space that is not only rich in color but let’s the light into the depths of our soul.

The ebb and flow of the waters is sometimes gentle, sometimes turbulent but never forget that the waters are also there to carry away what has kept us hidden in darkness for so long. The masterpiece buried deep within the rocks is constantly calling the waters to it…not to destroy the rocks but to allow them to show what lies beneath.


As a work of art in progress we “progress” as quickly or slowly as we choose. We can allow or we can resist but ultimately the choice is ours. We may not know the direction, we may not have a clue what is about to be unearthed and revealed but with each revelation we become more extraordinary. Our art, our life, our masterpiece shows more of who we are.

Each of us is a work of art in progress. We are here to do extraordinary things. With every experience the waters ebb and flow until they carve out a beautiful space that is not only rich in color but let’s the light into the depths of our soul.~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2014 All rights reserved
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