Love Begins WITHIN!

Rose2“Love  is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen  or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer  you more joy than any material possession could.”~Barbara de  Angelis

Love is indeed a force more formidable than any other. It has the power to change your life and outlook in an instant. Love is an energy vibration that cannot be seen but is felt at such a deep level that words cannot possibly describe the feeling effectively. The vibration of love is inherent in each of us. In fact we simply ARE love. It is our highest vibration! Why do we go outside ourselves looking for it when all we need to do is look inside, connect with and expand the vibration which we seek? Why not BE love and let love find YOU?!

Do you love yourself unconditionally? Do you even like yourself? If not, you may be looking for love in all the wrong places! Why is it so challenging to love ourselves? Why is it that so many times we don’t feel loved if we are not “in love” or loved by another person? It is not until you awaken your own love vibration inside and begin loving yourself that you will be able to experience true love.

Love begins within!

How can you even begin to love another or expect them to love you if you don’t love or even like yourself? Those judgements you hold against yourself cause you to unconsciously push others away. Of course there are always those things we want to work on to be better people. There are also those things we can work on to change our appearances but what if “body image” is not your real body but how you picture or see yourself? What if those places or things you don’t love about yourself are because you don’t see yourself as the bright. beautiful spirit you really are? Is it possible for you to love ALL of you, without judgement, warts and all?

There are great pressures in society today and it’s easy to forget that within you lies a treasure trove of love. You ARE love and it is only that you’ve gotten away from seeing yourself as you truly are. Your internal struggles show on the outside and those very internal struggles have often developed as a habit or you doubt your true nature because of judgement from others. It is only after you start to accept your humanity, forgive your mistakes and embrace the feeling that you are worthy of love that things will change for you. Did you know that the thing you seek most from outside world is the thing you have the most of inside? It’s true!

All those things that you resist or cannot accept or judge about yourself are resisted, not accepted or judged by others. Have you noticed any “patterns” or things that keep happening over and over in your life with regards to love? Patterns are the universes way of informing you that perhaps you haven’t learned the lesson or cleared the energy yet! But guess what? You can change those patterns, clear the judgement and resistance and love (and even like) yourself! For the most part it’s clearing those places you judge and resist.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”~Rumi

What barriers have you built against love? What unconscious walls have you built that stop you from seeing and experiencing your true and highest vibration of love? Loving yourself is not selfish nor is it ego based. When you find your natural love vibration it isn’t necessary to seek validation or push it on others. It will be seen and felt by others in your presence. Love shines through and touches everything you do. It oozes forth in the words that you speak and flows into your creations.

Perhaps it’s time you stop looking outside yourself? Take down the barriers! Love transforms you in a moment. Find yourself and you will find love. Experience being in the flow of love and love yourself. Connect with your spirit and divinity without resistance or judgement.Forgive yourself. Find a state of grace. Connect with yourself and see yourself as the love you are and BE  your highest vibration of love!~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2012-2018 All Rights Reserved
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