Shake it Up, Try Something New Challenge!

Shake it Up Challenge!“As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge.”~Henry Van Dyke

When was the last time you tried something new? When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone by simply changing the route you walk (or drive) to work? Went to see a play or movie? Visited a friend you haven’t seen in a while? Went to a new restaurant, visited an art museum or took a walk in nature? When was the last time you did something you used to enjoy but, due to the busy-ness of life, haven’t done it in a long time?

Maybe your “routine” has become a habit and maybe that very routine is keeping you from flourishing and moving forward! How about shifting that routine from the unaware mundane to the aware and exciting?!!! How about shaking it up a bit to increase your awareness?!!

Our routines become our habits and our habits become those areas where we have the least awareness! If you’ve felt stuck, depressed, you’re having a challenge releasing energy and/or it feels like there’s no forward movement in your life maybe it’s time to try something new and exciting!

“I wasn’t losing my focus but I was getting tired of focusing. What I was focusing on was becoming too routine, too ritual, not something that was interesting, new and exciting.”~Picabo Street

When we get used to focusing on the negative and releasing the same things over and over we are actually causing a habit to be born. Anything we do day in and day out, in other words our routine, leads us to go on auto pilot. Of course there are times when this works in our favor like flossing and brushing your teeth every day or choosing healthy foods. Those are for sure good habits to have BUT when it comes to energy work the routine becomes the mundane and no longer feeds your spirit and soul.

The more comfortable in our routines the harder it is to create change and transformation. No matter how much we want things to change there is an element of fear that comes up. We even get comfortable in our pain. Why? Because it’s all too familiar! We know how to deal with it. The reality is that “life begins at the end of your comfort zone”~Neale Donald Walsh

There are empirical studies that show if you repeat a behavior often enough, your “synaptic pathways are going to get worn.” Well, what if we consciously, mind-fully and gently re-energize our synaptic pathways?

“The less routine the more life.”~Amos Bronson Alcott

How about we shake things up a bit? How about we stop “waiting” for things to clear, “waiting” for inspiration or “waiting” for someone else to give us a break? How about we “shift” our routine, “shift” the mundane, get un-stuck and bring a little excitement into our lives? The “Shake it Up, Try Something New Challenge” is easy. All you have to do is commit to doing something new, or something you haven’t done in a long time, every week for the next couple of months.

The new (or renewed) can be a simple as moving your mat to the other side of the room in yoga class or getting up early to go for a walk. Maybe discover a new restaurant or try a new food. Take an art class, visit a museum, or schedule lunch with a friend. It can also be more daring and out of the box like skydiving or climbing a mountain. Whatever it is for you that’s new or something you’ve wanted to do for a long time…go ahead. DO IT!

You can do this any time but I’m creating a Facebook Event on my Clairvoyant Readings by Debra page and you are welcome to join us! Feel free to leave your comments or post pictures about what you’re doing on the “Shake it Up, Try Something New Challenge” event on Facebook or just add your comments, thoughts or pictures here.

It’s time to get excited about doing something new! It helps shift your energy, feeds your spirit, gives you something to look forward to and will “shake you” out of your routine! Join us! Your spirit will thank you!~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2014 All rights reserved

Photo Credit: © Iqoncept | Dreamstime.comShake It Up Words Letter Background Reorganization New Idea Photo
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2 thoughts on “Shake it Up, Try Something New Challenge!

    1. Sometimes constantly trying new things IS the routine so to actually shake it up you might need to slow down 🙂 Good luck “slowing”. That can be a tricky, if not more so, than trying something new!

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