Are Your Eyes Wide Shut?

eyesclosedWhen it comes to healing I think we all like to “say” we are aware and we’ve dealt with things but have we really? Are your eyes wide open or wide shut? Have you really examined and cleared out the energy signatures that  remain? There is more to healing than simply “putting it behind you” and moving on.

I find many “self-aware” people are the ones with their eyes tightly shut and for good reason. Why would a loving, good person want to look at and acknowledge pain? Why would anyone for that matter? There are just some things we have difficulty or don’t want to look at.

To truly heal and put it behind you, you must acknowledge, forgive, and clear out the painful memory or energy that has affected your growth and changed you forever. You must allow your feelings to bubble up and flow freely no matter what they are.

Energy Signatures & Imprints

Putting something behind you is definitely a great step to take but there are energy signatures or imprints which remain until the energy is released from the physical body or from a different level in the energy body.  Those who are healers or who do psychic work are particularly vulnerable.  Having your eyes wide shut doesn’t mean you are not aware. In fact you are probably acutely aware of energy, spirit and the like but when it comes to looking at energy left behind, uncovering another layer or clearing filters within yourself, that’s another matter.

If you experience and notice repeating patterns in your life, the energy is still there. If you identify with a past trauma and allow it to shape your life, the energy is still there. What keeps it there you may ask? Most times it is due to an unconscious fear, resistance or it’s just to painful to look at. Those energies get in the way of having your eyes wide open and seeing it for yourself. You can resolve a matter in your head but if the energy is not released it will continue to come up time and time again.

Keep in mind that it may not have been you that shut your eyes! Sometimes there is an energy that comes in that will push your panic button, send you running for the hills and cause you to clamp your eyes shut. It is also possible that someone didn’t want you to see clearly.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship, got blindsided with a break up and said “I didn’t see it coming” that’s a hint that your eyes were wide shut or they were shut for you. Have you ever not gotten on the bathroom scale because you didn’t want to see what you weighed or put bills in a drawer because you couldn’t look at them? Nothing changes until you find acceptance and deal with the energy at hand.

Acceptance and Forgiveness

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”~Serenity Prayer

You can’t change the past but you can accept and acknowledge that something happened to possibly change your life forever. Accept and acknowledge you may have taken on energy from others. Forgive yourself if you continue to heal the past. Forgive yourself and release any guilt for not being able to heal someone. Not everyone wishes to be heal themselves the way you wish to heal.

Open your eyes with forgiveness and love in your heart. For yourself, for others and for whatever happened. Allow yourself time to grieve, get angry and then let it go. Breathe, acknowledge, forgive, release then fill up with your energy and the love you are. ~Shine Your Light Debbie

Interested in learning more on releasing energy? I’m offering 4 FREE meditation tele-classes in December! No obligation, no registration! CLICK HERE for details, information and schedule of classes.

©Debra Taitel 2013 All Rights Reserved
Daily Muse Home Page

Meditation: What’s the Purpose & Benefit?

InnerselfHave you ever asked yourself why meditate and turn your attention within? What’s the purpose of quieting the mind, getting grounded and centered? Why meditate at all? Do you use meditation to solve your problems? Why bother meditating when things are going well? What’s the benefit? These are interesting questions to ponder!

Often times I come across people who only meditate when they are going through tough times. Other times I hear from people that they are going through tough times and they can’t meditate. It does surprise me that the simple act of quieting the mind is so difficult when the drama and chaos of life, in other words ‘a growth period’, stops us from doing the very thing that is needed to get through it!

Meditation helps you get through a growth period FASTER!

It allows you to find answers by listening, changes your vibration and gives any energy or problems that you’ve taken on from others to gently fall away. A grounded meditation and release actually gives the energy a place to go. Meditation helps you access your inner sanctuary and is a safe place to get away from the swirling chaos. It’s very much like taking a vacation from your life for a few moments.

Meditation doesn’t solve problems.

You don’t need to “solve” anything! In fact, you are not a problem, your life is not a problem and NOTHING needs solving! You were born into your body to learn and experience exactly what you are learning and experiencing! It would be wonderful if our lives were all perfect with nary a stumbling block but that is not the case. Meditation doesn’t make your life perfect and bring you everything you want. It does however, bring you into present time and might even allow an answer or two to sneak in! Trust me, your problems will still be there when you finish meditating but perhaps they won’t seem as monumental as beforehand.

Meditation creates a sense of peace.

It allows you to change your perspective about what’s going on. Much of the time you will notice that most of the chaos has nothing to do with you personally, however it also allows you to own the part you played…and there is always some part you played. If you find it difficult to quiet down your thoughts, just allow them to float by, acknowledge them and the fact that you have that much going on then bring your attention back to the peace and safety of your inner sanctuary.

Why meditate when things are going well?

When everything is happy and moving along smoothly taking the time to meditate not only helps keep things moving along smoothly but when (not if) you run into a road block you will handle it more easily. It is a great time to dream, create something new and focus on your passion. It is a time to validate all that you are and shine your light even more brightly.  Each time you do this when you are feeling good, your body will remember what it feels like and make it easier to come back to that space other times!

The great thing about meditation is that by changing your vibration and releasing that which isn’t you, you change your life and heal. You change how you view life with its many obstacles AND find answers for how to handle them. You don’t need anyones permission and you may even heal those areas of your life where you feel stuck! Don’t believe me? Goggle it and check out the latest scientific research on the benefits of meditation. Why not start today and create a whole new world?~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2009-2013 All Rights Reserved

Photo Credit: ©Steven Bauer Photography
Daily Muse Home Page

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