New Moon, Solar Eclipse, New Beginnings!

Solar Eclipses are profound turning points that bring endings, new beginnings, and major changes.

New moons are all about making a “clean sweep” and creating new opportunities.

Separately these cosmic events pack a powerful punch. When they come together, we’re in for a few life-altering, power packed days!

Ready or not, eclipses have the power to literally ‘eclipse out’ things in your life that no longer serve you. In addition to the instant release, what you want and need is going to come crashing into your awareness with clarity. You can welcome these changes or resist them.

If you welcome the energy and rise to the challenges presented, you will maximize your potential to gently let go of what’s not working, live life on your own terms and flourish; You free up your valuable time and energy sooner. If you resist the challenges, the process could be painful and it’s going to take you a lot longer to move through them.

Everyone is being affected by this cosmic event so you are not alone! While I am not an astrologer I do read energy and in the days leading up to this eclipse I’ve been contacted by many people who are experiencing disturbing dreams, noticing unfounded fears and experiencing seemingly abrupt awakenings. “Instant awareness” can be a bit unnerving and disconcerting.

Since eclipses bring about endings and beginnings you may find clarity about past events. The answers you seek and those people or situations which are not in alignment with your path will become obvious. An eclipse will magnify and, in essence, show you the ‘cracks’ (and what seeped into those cracks) in your foundation.

As you find clarity during this powerful time you may step into your power and decide to embark upon a new path. Be aware that with every “step up” comes letting go and it may feel like you are grieving. This is a natural part of the process so embrace it and be where you are.

One more aspect to be aware of is Mercury begins its retrograde cycle in a few days. We are already feeling the effects of the slow down. There’s no better time for reflection and release. Resolve issues and end past agreements with love and forgiveness for yourself and others. Allow the powerful one two punch of the new moon and solar eclipse to give you strength and propel you into your new beginning!

Clarity is not only about seeing what has passed so you can resolve past issues. It is about seeing with clarity those things you wish to create. Having a clear picture of where you want to go and what you want to do helps you build a foundation for the future and there is no better time than today to harness the power of the eclipse to help you do that!

There are many more astrological aspects to this eclipse in Virgo but I’ll leave those to the wonderful star gazers and astrologers out there. The information presented is for you to know that eclipses cause abrupt awakenings and transformations. Take comfort in knowing the new moon helps you make a “clean sweep” and coupled with the eclipse, you are being offered the opportunity to create new beginnings.

Use today’s powerful conjunction of the new moon solar eclipse in Virgo to fling open new doors. Embrace and enjoy your clarity. Welcome new opportunities and beautiful new beginnings!~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel  2015 All Rights Reserved
Daily Muse Home Page

Super (New) Moon + Solar Eclipse + Equinox! Ride the Wave on March 20, 2015!

Super Moon, equinox, solar eclipse. Ride the waves on March 20As if it’s not enough to handle the energy of a super moon, a new moon, an equinox or a solar eclipse individually we will have a rare opportunity to experience all three, in the same week, on the same day!

Hold on to your hats folks the wave of energy is on its way! Actually the energy is already effecting us but with a bit of self-care you will successfully ride the wave of this energetic tsunami!

First let’s look at the energy of the Super Moon. A super moon occurs when the moon is at or closest to the earth in a particular orbit. In short, what’s going to happen during this eclipse is the Earth, Moon and Sun will all be in a line, with Moon in its nearest approach to Earth. This is a great time to look at your spiritual alignment between body and spirit as well as your alignment with the earth.

Riding the energy wave doesn’t mean you let go of your grounding! In fact it’s just the opposite. With all the energy stirred up and getting ready for release it’s important you re-ground and center yourself in present time. You may have already noticed your meditation space shifting in the past couple of days (I know I have.) If you’ve noticed a shift or you find it difficult to meditate just remind yourself you’re feeling the approach of the energy wave.

Another aspect caused by a Super Moon is heightened emotions. If you’ve found yourself extra emotional and there’s no reason for it, this might be why. Again, check your grounding and give those emotions space to flow. Like the tides, our emotions ebb and flow. Let them.

Now, let’s look at the energy of a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly in between the earth and the sun. It momentarily blocks out the light from the sun.

Eclipses signify endings and beginnings. They literally ‘eclipse out’ things in your life that no longer serve you and free up your energy to create anew. The equinox is a wonderful time to create and grow new experiences, ideas and to finally start those projects you’ve been ready to put into motion.

The eclipse will help you move out anything that’s been standing in your way but as with all healing energy work, you have to WANT to release what no longer serves you or gets in your way. There’s power in this eclipse but you don’t have to get steam rolled under it. Choose to ride the wave and enter a new beginning for yourself!

Another important note is this particular cosmic event (according to NASA) will have an effect on the power systems; It will have a direct effect on everyone who is sensitive to energy. Keep breathing and take solace that after this 2015 equinox eclipse, the next solar eclipse at the March equinox will happen on March 20, 2034. Then there will only be two more in this century: 2053 and 2072.

The energy of the Spring Equinox is all about planting the seeds, growth and renewal. The energetic combination will truly offer us a gift. We all can change directions, illuminate the darkness, release that which no longer serves and warm our hearts and minds with the coming sun.

So grab your surf board, give yourself a new grounding cord and lets ride the wave of this one! Nothing but leaving the past behind, opening up your creativity, and riding off into new, brighter horizons!~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2015 All Rights Reserved
Daily Muse Home Page